3 & 4 year old Kinder Subsidy

The government’s announcement of Victorias $9 billion education reform package where our three- and four-year-old Kindergarten children will receive a Kinder subsidy amount of $2000 per child. This means a $50 amount will be credited to your child’s account weekly for a total of 40 weeks in 2024 not including term breaks (school holiday breaks) This amount will continue until the $2000 has been reached. There may be a small out of pocket costs due depending on your individual circumstances.

During term breaks, the Teacher is still employed and running an unfunded Kinder Program, therefore there will be no changes to payment of fees.

Enrolling your child

  • the $2000 fee reduction amounts for everyone
  • families do not need to show a health care card, pension card or be an Australian citizenship (or similar) to be eligible to access
  • there is no deadline or closure for enrolments for 2024, however places fill fast, therefore enrolling early will help secure a spot
  • families can only enrol their child in one free kinder program at a time. This means that all children can access a funded Kindergarten program to be eligible for the subsidy at one service at any one time.